55 rue de la Mairie
69220 Corcelles-en-Beaujolais
A lot of joyful and creative ideas that they desire to share, they chose a hotel of Dix Crus because they come from Beaujolais.
They aim to create a generous and pleasant meeting place, a welcoming environment in their image.
Full of cheer and fun-filled ideas that they wish to share, the owners of the Relais des Dix Crus chose this hotel because they have roots in the Beaujolais region. Their goal is to create a hotel where people feel at ease, a family home where people are only too happy to stop and stay... for as long as possible. The Relais des Dix Crus wishes to offer you a whole host of memories and flavours...in Beaujolais country.
Spoken languages
Opening hours
From 01/01 to 31/12, every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.